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40 in me talking to my 20-30s

Am at my 40.If I have to tell something to my younger version from what I have experienced sofar then that would be this.

  • Wake up early..missing morning hours is worst thing you can do to yourself.

  • Go to bed early just to make first point possible.

  • Have good breakfast. Energy for brisk day starts here.

  • Do your job perfectly but avoid over working.No one let it be boss or company worth to spoil your precious time beyond your limits.Over the time you will realise this.

  • Avoid debt especially for long term commitment.

  • Start saving early but dont limit spending on small things which brings pleasure to you.

  • Enjoy small moments let it be movie or playing sports or spending time with kids or going out.Such lively pleasure moments put together becomes your life dont skip them for other reasons.

  • Try to travel as much as possible.Nothing teaches,refreshes mind than a good trip.

  • Move out of friendship when your heart says its not worth let it be in any form like friends or family or whatever it is.Dragging fakeness is painful.

  • Keep mind and body in shape - do whatever it takes to get it done

  • Respect time of yours as well as others.Be punctual which earns you respect.

  • Keep small goals and celebrate upon achievement of goals.Keep on adding goals always

  • Listen to life partner. Half or most of your problems wont even exist in first place.

  • Develop a habit to read/write all the time. This ignites creativity than visual medium.

  • Register your identity wherever you go and dont be a one in 100 crowd.Leave your footmark firm.Engage,express and evolve in every chance.

  • Dont look for validation from anyoneMost of the times no one is worth to prove yourself.

  • Dont do things agaisnt your conscience (your own conscience not the one outside world decides.

  • Time is precious and if you think you have ample time in life then you are absolutely wrong. Do not wait too much if you want to do something. Just start working on things quick in micro as well macro level.

  • Focus on things at hand always and concentrate doing it right and avoid distractions till its done.

  • Primary focus anytime is to satisfy yourself than doing things for others.

  • Social media is mud.Dont reveal your ideologies and belief there.Avoid arguements in SM.Its not at all worth.You will feel utterly ashamed after few years about how you wasted time.

  • Believe in things only if you have a reason/rational not because others do.

  • Try to be positive self as well as with others.Dont be rude or show hate.

  • Dont wait for things to happen on its own.Make efforts.

  • Always listen than interrupting which gives you more wisdom.

  • Observe surrounding and dont be just a spectator.

  • Nothing lasts forever. Everything will pass away.Worry about things only under your control and not about things not in your control..Most of the times the things which youfeel more important or tough to cross becomes insignificant/joke over time.

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