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Daily market summary of NF and charts, data of NF & BNF -01Mar'24

NF had normal day balanced profile on expiry day..22275 marked as resistance next if clears then move is marked to probe till 22420 next session (special session Saturday is not considered for analysis).

NF got volume based drive and cleared 22275 early in the session which moved higher above 22420 for the day then closed a high.

Buyers gone for clean trend day with volume and data backing them at close on Friday.

22300-22340 becomes good swing support now and as long as this holds balance to skew higher odds now.

Holding above 22360 buyers are good to move higher further towards 22520/22560 then may be pullback.If sustains 22560 then 22610/22640 possible next.

Some supply seen at upper disbn of Friday session..If these sellers able to defend 22470 and move below 22420 then possible to get 22390/22360 if sustains test of 22320-22300 then bounce possible and further weakness below 22300 for 22270/22240 for next session.

Weekly :

Week has closed as outside week closing at high..Moved away from well balanced two weeks composite hence staying above 22300-22340 probe upside is towards 22520/22560 if no rej means 22640 zone could reject next for some balance..Below 22300 whip at 22240-22200 which is solid support and goes means reversal possible towards 22140-22110/22040-22020.

Monthly :

Monthly for Feb closed as clean bell balance. Staying above 22200 Mar is bullish for 22550/22650/22750-22800.Weakness any for Mar only below 22200 to get 22000-21950 and quite weak below that for 21700 and more.


Daily :

Weekly :

Monthly :

Data :

Notes :

a) Check glossary page in website if any of the terms used in the post are not clear.

b) If images are not clear, click on them for enlarged view.

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