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Daily market summary of NF and charts, data of NF & BNF -12Feb'24

NF closed as NE up day at high after printing failed auction at low in last session..21780-21810

considered as pivot from daily as well as from weekly point of view.They had a good open above NE up day high but could not hold the gap and gone for clearing this pivot in IB itself which lead to all day liquidation profile closing at lower quad..Test of lower balance and FA zone expected not able to stay above PDH and NF gone for the same today.

Outside day.

Long liquidation profile.

FA of last session negated.

Buyers are missing totally in today's auction..Two good resistance for next session 21750/21810 for early session..Buyers not able to stay higher above this could push down towards 21650/21610 then bounce else more weakness..Failing to stay below PDL and accepting above 21750 first sign of strength and above 21810 weekly pivot sustains means next round of strength.

Levels wise, failing to stay below 21620 and move above 21690 could get 21720/21750 and mild bullish above 21755 for 21785/21810-21820 accepts means 21850-21870..Further bullish above 21875 for 21905/21945-21960.Failing to stay above 21800 and moving below 21750 could get 21720/21690-21675 weak below that for 21650/21625/21590-21570 if sustains 21550 then 21525/21495 possible.

Charts and data :

Notes :

a) Check glossary page in website if any of the terms used in the post are not clear.

b) If images are not clear, click on them for enlarged view.

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