NF had buying tail at low and poor high top in last session..22420 was the zone marked for buyers to defend or sellers to push below that to get 22350 and below and considered quite weak below 22300 for 22180/22140/22110. NF had a drive down clearing 22420/22350 then remained as solid down day till close then closed at dPOC clearing well below 22110.
3IB down triple distribution trend day.
Volume and data solid with sellers today.
Cleared March low today which turned weekly and monthly weak now.
22220-22260 solid immediate resistance for daily time frame and 22370-22400 resistance on weekly/monthly timeframe.
For next session, overlap means 22220-22150-22080-22020-21960 roughly zone to do that and staying below 21960 calls for more liquidation towards 21920/21865/21830 and below. Could whip between 22220-22260 and strength above 22260 to get 22300/22330/22370 and above.
Charts and data :

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b) If images are not clear, click on them for enlarged view.