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Daily market summary of NF and charts, data of NF & BNF -27Sep'24

NF had back to back spike day and balance next expected in spike zone. NF at first day of series gone for picture perfect bell balance then closed at dPOC on higher value day.

Normal day.

Exhaustion seen which is obvious after back to back 45 degree move from bell dPOCs with spike close and 3IB day and all..Looking for some pullback as long as we are not accepting above this bell profile.

Levels wise for next session, not able to stay above 26375 and staying below 26335 is weakness to get 26310/26280/26250-26220 bounce else more weakness. Not able to stay below 26250 and moving above 26335 could get 26375/26410 bullish above that for 26475/26500/26540.

Weekly :

3 weeks balance resolved higher with volume last week which made 25450 POC of week solid support to look for balance and skew higher for the week..Expected either 25875/25950/26040 pullback for balance or retest 25700-25650 zone hold around then slow skew higher towards 25800/25875/25950/26040 expected. They moved straight to 26000 and only minor pullback happened from there. Staying above 26050 expected spike towards 26200 zone which happened on expiry then we closed week at high way above 26200.

Triple distribution week.26440 marking as resistance for the week. Not able to sustain above this, looking for a move down towards 26250-26220 bounce else 26150/26070-26040 expecting which could again bounce else 25960-25920/25850 probe possible. This is based on context of fill back in triple distribution profile with some two way auction for the coming week. Move above 26440 if sustains then 26510-26540/26620/26700-26740 probe possible.

Monthly :

Support on monthly moved to 25300 and upside expected stretch towards 26040/26200. NF completed this move and Sep closing as spike month with 26000-26400 band as spike zone. Likely to get some fill in this zone before any further rally is bias as of now..Rest for Oct monthly view will get more clarity by end of next week.

Charts :




Data :

Notes :

a) Check glossary page in website if any of the terms used in the post are not clear.

b) If images are not clear, click on them for enlarged view.

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